Meet Victor

My Story

I was born in the United States, in our nation’s capital of Washington DC, but my parents immigrated here from Mexico to attain their advanced degrees. Like so many immigrants, they came from humble backgrounds and made everything for themselves in this country—truly embodying the American Dream. Sadly, we know this dream is not possible for all. 

I have never taken for granted my parents’ hard work, plus the circumstances that made progress for them possible. It has propelled me to make sure I do what I can to ensure opportunity for all. 

My parents eventually parted, but both are still in my life and supporting my goals. For much of my childhood, I was raised by a working, professional, single Latina mother. On the East Coast, this was not a common family structure for my peers in the 1980s and early 90s. We moved a lot for my mother’s career, which made it difficult to set down roots. Until we moved to the West Coast, I never had a feeling of belonging. I remember reflecting with my mother about how our arrival to California felt “right.” I finally knew how it felt to be welcomed in a community.

Like many, I came to this city to attend UC Davis 14 years ago as a transfer student from a community college. I originally intended to pursue a degree in psychology and become a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, but the moment I started volunteering in a classroom—working with youth—I knew I had found the way I wanted to do good in the world. I pursued education and have never looked back. 

I am one of those UC Davis students who stayed here and made a home. In Davis, I have found a life that brings together so many of the values that I was raised with: a sense of community and belonging, a way to do good in the world, and colleagues that share the same principles of hard work, dedication, and service that I do.


  • Instructor of U.S. History, Computer Science, and Leadership in Davis public schools for 10 years. 

  • Organizer of over 25 schoolwide “signature events”: all-grade project showcases. In addition to the student presentations, teachers recruit parents and older students to be panelists to evaluate the presentations. 

DTA President

  • Elected President of the Davis Teachers Association in 2018 and reelected twice, currently serving. 

  • Won unprecedented increases to salary and benefits under his leadership. 

  • Advocated for contractual changes that improved the student learning and working environment for educators in the areas of Special Education, secondary class size, and safe working and learning conditions during COVID. 

  • Core member of the Measure G campaign committee. Measure G was an unprecedented public education measure in the state of CA, created specifically for teacher compensation. In a show of community confidence, Measure G passed in a year when many other ballot measures to support education failed. The campaign was a successful collaboration between management and labor. 

Community Advocate

  • Founding board member of the Davis Community Action Network (DCAN), an organization dedicated to addressing our housing and climate crisis.